YOUNG ADULTS (approx. ages are 23-35)
The young adult population is too large to ignore, and the abilities and talents of these young people are too valuable to waste.
To reach a generation of young people who often leave the church because they don’t “belong.” The challenges of a sixteen-year-old youth are far different than those of a twenty-five year old young adult. Young Adult ministry bridges the “Gap” between Youth Ministry and Women’s or Men’s Ministries. Young Adult Ministry provides the opportunity for young adults to find God’s love, fellowship, teaching, and personal growth that is needed in their lives.
Approximately from 23-35 years old, about 80-90% of those attracted to a young adult ministry will probably be this age. It is up to the local church to decide the exact age range for “youth” and “young adults.” The needs of each assembly and each young adult are different so the ages cannot be set in stone. Most Young Adults will be single with no children. However, there are times when a single parent, young married couple, or even divorcee may feel more welcome with the young adult ministry. At these times, the local church should decide if it is appropriate for these “young adults” to be a part of the Young Adult Ministry. Many times young married couples will prove to be excellent leaders and role models in the group.
Young Adult Ministry shall function like the Youth Ministry (i.e. local weekly services or monthly zonal meetings, District Seminars, and eventually National Retreats). The Young Adults may choose to have their own local and even zonal committees, but they will fall under the District and National Youth Committees. In the District youth camps, Young Adults shall also be invited to attend with break-out sessions included in the program for young adults and youth to be able to focus on their specific needs. If a local church is too small, zonal young adult meetings are encouraged to provide an opportunity for the local young adults to come together. Big churches should also not neglect these opportunities to meet at zonal, district, and national level.
The young adult population is too large to ignore, and the abilities and talents of these young people are too valuable to waste.
To reach a generation of young people who often leave the church because they don’t “belong.” The challenges of a sixteen-year-old youth are far different than those of a twenty-five year old young adult. Young Adult ministry bridges the “Gap” between Youth Ministry and Women’s or Men’s Ministries. Young Adult Ministry provides the opportunity for young adults to find God’s love, fellowship, teaching, and personal growth that is needed in their lives.
Approximately from 23-35 years old, about 80-90% of those attracted to a young adult ministry will probably be this age. It is up to the local church to decide the exact age range for “youth” and “young adults.” The needs of each assembly and each young adult are different so the ages cannot be set in stone. Most Young Adults will be single with no children. However, there are times when a single parent, young married couple, or even divorcee may feel more welcome with the young adult ministry. At these times, the local church should decide if it is appropriate for these “young adults” to be a part of the Young Adult Ministry. Many times young married couples will prove to be excellent leaders and role models in the group.
- Developing healthy friendships
- Where to live—alone, with
- Establishing financial independence
- Living away from family
- Friends of same and/or opposite sex
- Choosing/establishing a career
- Finding their future spouse
- Premarital Counseling
- Spiritual growth issues—salvation, personal discipline, prayer, commitment
Young Adult Ministry shall function like the Youth Ministry (i.e. local weekly services or monthly zonal meetings, District Seminars, and eventually National Retreats). The Young Adults may choose to have their own local and even zonal committees, but they will fall under the District and National Youth Committees. In the District youth camps, Young Adults shall also be invited to attend with break-out sessions included in the program for young adults and youth to be able to focus on their specific needs. If a local church is too small, zonal young adult meetings are encouraged to provide an opportunity for the local young adults to come together. Big churches should also not neglect these opportunities to meet at zonal, district, and national level.